Supply Chains Turned Upside Down…and Inside Out!
Date & Time
Thursday, September 2, 2021, 2:45 PM - 3:30 PM
Christopher Oleksy

The world’s healthcare supply chains have been turned “upside down and inside out” over the past 18 months due to the COVID pandemic. There has never been a time in modern history where the term “supply chain” has been more important as well as misunderstood than now. Topics to be addressed will include The Duplicate Capacity Dilemma (the cost of creating contingency capacity vs. the risk of not doing so); Supplier/Partner Model (too much risk and dependence on single supplier sources?); Will the COVID-based hyper-sensed desire for supply control result in more in-sourcing vs. outsourcing? Protecting supply lines; Impact of logistics/transportation/warehousing; Should we/will we be returning to the United States? What time line lenses should i be using to configure my supply chains? What we learned from toilet paper (i.e., inventory value vs. cost); Just In Time/Lean vs. COA Planning Models; and finally, Talent.

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